Fetch current weather

'Fetch current weather' will fetch a 1 hour forecast from https://www.yr.no/en. The convenient thing about these forecasts are that you can query longitude, latitude and altitude. I query the tof of the mountains to get a quick feel if it's snowing.

Click map for weather forecast

When you acticate the 'Click map for weather forecast' you can click on any location for from https://www.yr.no/en, probably the best weather forecasting service in the world

Terrain steepness

Going skiing without taking into consideration the steepness of the terrain is not responsible. Read more about the problems you might fact at https://www.varsom.no/en/avalanches/about-avalanches/avalanche-problems/


A wind rose will show wind speed and direction are distributed. The wind roses you can activate at the map use data from a weather station at that particular location, and fetches wind speed and direction the last 48 hours.